13 02, 2018

What controls your health?

https://youtu.be/JNlBg9CwGaE Take charge of your health, Don't be a victim Understanding what Dr. Bruce Lipton goes through in this interview should be required for everyone. We need to know the trust about what determines our health. We are in control so we need to stop being victims of to our genes. We have been told [...]

4 02, 2018

What Toxins are you drinking?

Pesticides in Coffee are a big problem Toxins in coffee are a little know problem. Coffee is the most consumed beverage on the planet. It is also one of the healthiest beverages you can drink as long as you know what you are drinking.  Only 3% of coffees available worldwide today are organic, which means [...]

2 02, 2018

There is more going on than just PAIN

Pain is just the tip of the iceberg Pain runs so many peoples lives and we do just about anything to avoid it. The problem really is that when we don't have pain we tend to do very little for our health. As a society, there is a common theme that: If I look good [...]

23 01, 2018

The 33 Principles of Chiropractic

The 33 Chiropractic Principles Ralph W. Stephenson, DC published a book in 1927 called simply, “Chiropractic Textbook”. In it, he presented the core: Principles of Chiropractic. 1. The Major Premise – A Universal Intelligence is in all matter and continually gives to it all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence. 2.  The Chiropractic Meaning of [...]

21 01, 2018


COFFEE AND CAFFEINE: TWO DIFFERENT THINGS All over the country, well-meaning people are making health resolutions that completely remove certain types of food from their diet. For some, coffee tops the list of forbidden foods along with anything else containing caffeine. Scientific studies have proven that coffee offers us a variety of health benefits. It [...]

11 01, 2018

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain and Chiropractic Lower Back Pain is the leading cause of disability in the Western World. Sciatica is one of the most common terms known associated with Lower Back Pain. Compared to most medical treatments, few interventions can initiate back pain relief and healing like chiropractic adjustments can. What to Make it Clear There is [...]

6 01, 2018

Drink Coffee and Protect your Liver

Drink Coffee and Protect your Liver Article was written by Palinoia Coffee Livers Aren’t Just Mere Filters for the Things We Eat and Drink Yes, this 3 lb. gland wedged beneath our ribs is responsible for processing everything we put in our mouths, but those are some intense, diverse processes. They are our built-in detoxification [...]

4 01, 2018

The Power of New Biology

Perception: The Power of the New Biology By Bruce Lipton We perceive the environment and adjust our biology, but not all of our perceptions are accurate. If we are laboring under misperceptions, then those misperceptions provide for a mis-adjustment of our biology. When our perceptions are inaccurate we can actually destroy our biology. We understand [...]

31 12, 2017

The Computer Within

The Computer Within By Dr. Bruce Lipton The new biology revealed that the brain, the computer of our body is the skin of the cell. The membrane, the interface of the interior of the cell and the ever-changing world we live in. It is the functional element that controls life. This is important because understanding [...]

27 12, 2017

Why you have the Health Philosophy you do

Why you have the health philosophy you do A New Understanding of Science By Bruce Lipton When I was outside the university I had a chance to read into physics. Again I found information that did not conform to the science I had been teaching. In the world of new physics, quantum physics, the mechanisms [...]

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