Our Vision

Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic is based on three universal premises:

1. The human body is a self healing mechanism

If you cut your finger, it heals. If you cut the finger of a corpse, it does not. It is not the doctor who heals, it is the life energy within YOU that heals.

2. The Nervous System – the brain and the spinal cord – is the master system of the body

Every dimension of the human experience is processed through the nervous system. Every thought, emotion, perception, hormone, chemical, motor function, pain sensation, literally EVERYTHING. Nothing happens or dysfunctions in your body without the nervous system being involved.

3. If there is interference to the nervous system, it affects the ability of your body to function properly.

Not only can interference effect your physical health but, more importantly, it distorts your perception of what is going on in the world and compromises your ability to respond appropriately. Your brain is primarily a responsive organ, it does not generate all the information the body needs and tells it what to do. The brain only responds to the information that it is given by the nervous system. If you are sub luxated and have garbage going into the brain, you can only get garbage coming out. Posture, for example, is a brain dysfunction because of the bad information the brain is being given.

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